Sunday, July 15, 2007

staying above it all

I am a firm believer that Christ came to give us an abundant life while we're on this earth. I am so trying to be an overcomer in this life. I know that life comes with hardships and trials but that the Lord gives us the blessing of His peace, joy, and strength in the midst of the hard times. My issue right now is not being dragged down by people around me who are in rotten moods. In the past, I was easily swayed by the prevailing "tude" around me. My mil has always told me that the woman sets the tone of the home. Notice I am not naming any names of WHO has the "tude" in my home today. hahaha. Anyway, I don't want it to get on me. I want to stay above it. I felt God's presence in such an awesome way today at church. The "tude" had been going on since last night, so I was ready for a break in atmosphere. I heard on the radio that praise brings God near. I like that phrase. ANYWHO...I felt that heaviness lift right off me during worship today. Just focusing on the Lord brought me such peace. I wish everyone around me could've received it......Now that I am back home, I want to keep above the negative. Remember I am trying to tune into His voice more. So I am taking control of the atmosphere. I am getting off this computer, turning off every tv in the house, and turning up some praise songs. Praise brings Him near....

1 comment:

nicole said...

I do this a lot. It seems that just having some positive music playing calms everyone down and restores peace. It doesn't always work, but it is always worth trying.