First off, I notice everyone has code names for their kids so I will do the same.
Oldest son (6 years) = Lancelot (because he loves to be a Knight when he plays)
Middle son (3 1/2) = Einstein (because he is way too smart to be 3)
youngest son (1 year) = Bam Bam (he is full of energy all the time and very busy)
So, Lancelot started first grade yesterday, and it was our first day of public school. He did great. To say I am not a morning person, is really putting it lightly. Because of this, I did all the lunches (one for kid and one for hubby), had boys pick out what they wanted to wear, and laid out my own clothes the night before. I was showered and ready by 7:30 am, which is crazy for me. I actually have Einstein and Bam Bam napping at the exact same time each day, which means I have a quiet house for 2 1/2 hours a day. I have loved this schedule so far. Ask me in a week, when the newness of waking up early has worn off, and I may not be so excited.
I need some advice on two things. Hubby and I need a good book to read together when kids go down. The last book we read was "The Five Love Languages." Anyone have a suggestion for our next read?
Second question--I need some sack lunch ideas for a kid who doesn't like lunch meat. I can't keep making PB&J and Pimento and Cheese sandwiches all year long. Any suggestions?
Hopefully with my quiet time, I can blog more and read more blogs.
Oh...I almost forgot...I also need weeknight meal ideas to add to our repertoire.